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Binary black hole evolution in AGN disks
报告题目:Binary black hole evolution in AGN disks
报 告  人:李亚平 研究员(上海天文台)
报告时间:2023-03-16 16:00:00

摘要:Since the first discovery of a transient gravitational-wave signal by LIGO/Virgo, it has motivated many theoretical studies on how merging binary black holes (BBHs) form. Active galactic nucleus (AGN) disks have been proposed as promising locations for producing some of gravitational wave events. However, the validity of this AGN disk channel remains largely debatable due to the complexity of binary-disk interaction. In this talk, I will introduce the recent updates of this AGN disk channel, and  some of our works about binary black hole evolution in AGN disks.

简介:Dr. Yaping Li received his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2009 and Ph.D from Xiamen University in 2016.  He then was a postdoc in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) between 2016-2018, and Los Alamos National Laboratory between 2018-2021, and joined in SHAO in 2022. His main research interest includes black hole accretion/feedback, binary black hole formation and evolution, dust/gas dynamics in protoplanetary disks, and planet formation.
