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The Birth and Death of Supermassive Black Holes
报告题目:The Birth and Death of Supermassive Black Holes
报 告  人:何子山 教授(北京大学)
报告时间:2023-11-30 16:00:00
报告地点:Hall 212, Astronomy Building

Abstract: The majority of galaxies contain a central nuclear black hole, with masses ranging from ten thousand to ten billion solar masses. The formation and evolution of central black holes may be closely coupled with and help regulate the life cycle of galaxies. I will summarize the demographics of central black holes in the local Universe, the unique physical properties of their highly sub-Eddington AGNs, the discovery and statistical properties of "intermediate-mass" black holes in low-mass, late-type galaxies, and recent spectacular developments enabled by JWST observations that give us a first glimpse into the earliest stages of the formation of galaxies and their accompanying central black holes.

Short Bio: 何子山 (Luis C. Ho) 是美籍天体物理学家,美国天文学会会士,美国艺术与科学院院士。1990年获得哈佛大学的学士学位, 1995年获得加州大学伯克利分校博士学位,1998作为终身天文学家加入美国著名卡内基天文台。从2014年起,他来华任职北京大学科维理天文与天体物理研究所所长,讲席教授, 入选中组部海外高层次人才长期创新专家,2016年任科技部重点研发计划项目负责人,2018年任国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目负责人,2020年起担任中国空间站巡天望远镜科学工作委员会副主任。何教授在超大质量黑洞、活动星系、星系演化等研究领域取得了突出成就,发表论文已超过700篇,引用超过6.5万次,H因子高达121。任国际著名天文学期刊《天体物理学杂志快报》副主编。