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An Overview of SEPAD and their Implication on the Stellar Dynamics
报告题目:An Overview of SEPAD and their Implication on the Stellar Dynamics
报 告  人:林潮 Douglas N.C. Lin
报告时间:2023-11-19 15:00:00
报告地点:Hall 212, Astronomy Building

ABSTRACT: Extended regions of accretion disks around supermassive black holes in bright AGNs are prone to gravitational instability, star formation and stellar dynamical evolution with feedback to the disks’ structure.   Spectroscopic data provide vital clues on the stellar and residual black hole populations. Their dynamical interaction with each other, their natal disks, and other massive companions in active and dormant galactic nuclei is remarkably analogous to that in the context of planet formation, evolution, and solar system dynamics. These processes contribute to the observed brightness and spectral-energy distribution of AGN disks and the kinematic properties of the nuclear cluster in the Galactic Center. They also lead to the prolific production and coalescence of black holes as candidates for some gravitational wave events.

BIO: 林潮,美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校教授(1979至今),美国科学与艺术学院院士(2002)北京大学科维理天文与天体物理研究所首任所长(2007-2011),清华大学高等研究院杰出访问教授(2018至今),未来科学大奖科学委员会轮值主席(2022)。林潮教授的研究涉猎广泛,在天体物理的许多领域都做出过重要贡献,包括大小麦哲伦云矮星系在银河系暗物质晕中的轨道运动、行星系统形成与演化理论、激变变星和吸积盘的物理机制和土星环的结构、动力学和演化等。尤其是在首颗类太阳恒星周围的系外行星被发现后不久,林潮教授就提出了著名的“热木星”轨道迁移的理论,在2019年诺贝尔物理学奖委员会发布的系外行星获奖的科学背景中引用了林潮教授的一系列开创性成果。林潮教授所获得的重要荣誉还包括美国天文学会的Brouwer奖章(2014),美国太平洋天文学会Catherine Wolfe Bruce金奖(2015),国际编号第25133号小行星以林潮教授的英文名“Douglin”命名。林潮教授迄今发表论文280余篇,引用超过22, 000次。